Addiction a labelling of a chain reaction to early childhood trauma, a comfort seeking behaviour, addiction feels like a warm quilt to be wrapped in, to feel cozy and warm and protected. The unhealthy ritualised compulsive comfort-seeking behaviour of opioid addiction is to address a person’s adverse childhood experiences, adding to this the more types of childhood adversity a person experienced – the higher their risk of chronic disease, mental illness, violence, being a victim of violence and a bunch of other consequences.
Those who have experienced a traumatic childhood they are two to four times more likely to use alcohol or other drugs, using drugs at an earlier age. Researches corroborates the findings on the link between childhood adversity and addiction, including studies that have found that people who’ve experienced childhood trauma have more chronic pain and use more prescription drugs; people who experienced five or more traumatic events are three times more likely to misuse prescription pain medications.
Gambling, often described as a simple form of entertainment, has become uncontrollable behaviour to many people. It is a an upward trend within a large number of the population involved, it could potentially developing into a serious addiction which it can lead to behavioural issues, progressively becoming out of control the individual become obsessed about raising money to gamble, this type of behaviour may also lead to illegal activities such as stealing, to fund it. Gambling also affects personal relationships and has an adverse effects on ability to function within the rules of society. It has an element of addiction similar to that of drug and alcohol addiction, controlling the impulse.
I think is also important to clarify that addiction is not primarily a biological disease, perhaps some addictions are but not necessarily the gambling in question. Addictions are, in their own right a biological inheritance, although they are found to be running in families through generations, it does not prove it is primarily genetic in origin. Addictive behaviours for many people is a chronic and relapsing illness. Young people at risk of addictions may also be identified by the age they were first tried to experiment with. Studies show that the risk of inheritance to an addiction problem /s it seems to correspond to a certain predisposition in the individual prone to eternalised tendencies, these to include disinhibition, negative behaviour and antisocial behaviour.
As children unwittingly may assume a similar behaviour, equally there are many people who are turned away from addiction and or consumption of alcohol or drugs, purely by the miseries they have experienced in their own childhood alongside an alcoholic parent or a drug abuser. Different individuals pretentiously exposed to the same kind of experiences may gather different messages from them; this still doesn’t stop them from choosing a different path, if they are shown how to do so.
A gambling activity also present four different categories whereby is social gambling – associated with friends and acquaintances and a professional gambling where risks are limited and a type of discipline is exercised as not to take any losses; problem gambling where a sense of preoccupation and narrowing of interest is present, despite adverse conditions in the activity the person will continue the behaviour; pathological gambling where aspects of denial, overconfidence and a sense of power of control over it demonstrate a distortion thinking behaviour.
Counselling can help you to heal those emotional wounds that are getting in the way. The process of building trust and rapport with your therapist can help you identify specific personal vulnerabilities to relapse, hidden triggers and to devise a plan for the successful maintenance of your recovery.
My friend william bentick is so addicted to these games as he plays day and night these games.