What do some clients choose to see a counsellor on video calling? What are the reasons why working online might be more attractive to some people than others? What is Online Video Counselling?
When you work online with a counsellor you work from your computer using the internet. Some therapists will offer online counselling where you don’t meet the therapist face to face at all, while others may add it to their face-to-face practice for the purposes of administration (e.g. scheduling or re-scheduling sessions) or for extra support between sessions. Online Video counselling is convenient
Online counselling takes place wherever the person and their computer, increasingly I am in contact with clients who are sending from their mobile phones, and I can see this becoming a bigger development area the more sophisticated mobile phone technology becomes. Geographical location
Some people travel a lot and find it difficult to get to a fixed location for an appointment regularly, by cutting out the journey time to and from a counselling appointment can make a difference for people who have to make complex care arrangements. In addition, video online counselling adapts to individual lifestyles and can be fitted more conveniently around family and work life. You can do it when best suits you and from the comfort of your own home.