The most likely answer is YES!! Women generally experience greater emotional empathy towards their partner and loved one, then men do; I do not intend to enter a gender divide here , however, research shows that toddler girls seek to comfort those who experience distress and stare at those more that toddlers boys do. The genetic(?) tendency that women are more caring the men towards others holds true across a variety of culture, as empathic attunment goes it define the strength for women, those people who have a greater ability to understand emotions, have higher emotional intelligence and better equipped to understand other's motives.
On the other end to feel and understand empathy for another can be so pronounced as to lose connection with yourself, furthermore it leads to look at your partner views and perspective's more than from your own ones.
Find your voice when sharing communication and needs with your partner, assure one another that direct communication does not have to lead to an argument or the ending of a relationship. Explore your fears in being direct with your loved one, talk about it together, this can in the long run leads to a closer bonding and fulfilment in your relationship.
Practice "training" difficulties in communication with your friends and family those topic areas of distraction by beginning the to say " This is hard for me to say, I want you to know I care about you, but...." role play could support the way you can raise a difficult topic with your partner.
When communicating our thoughts, needs and feelings there will be changes in dynamics you may notice also increase in intimacy and closeness, alternatively you may find that the relationship is no longer salvageable, that will be a platform where to leave a dysfunctional rapport and lead your life onto a new horizon.

Monika Bassani Counselling and Supervision | Counselling for Anxiety, Trauma, Narcissistic Abuse, Relationships, Childhood Adversities, Couple Counselling, and more
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